November, 2012

--> “Study on the coupling of acyclic esters with alkene - the synthesis of 2-(2-hydroxyalkyl)cyclopropanols viacascade cyclization using allylsamarium bromide”
Tu, Y.; Zhou, L.; Yin, R.; Lv, X.; Flowers, R.A., II; Choquette, K.A.; Liu, H.; Wang, X. Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 11026-11028.

Congratulations to Kim for her recently published article on collaborative work carried out with Professor Xiaoxia Wang in the College of Chemistry and Life Science at Zhejiang University.

Haddad, G. L.; Young, S.C.; Heindel, N.D.; Bornhop D. J.; Flowers R. A., II  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 11126-11130.

Congratulations to Gaby and Sherri on their recently published article on collaborative work with Professor Darryl Bornhop at Vanderbilt University and Professor Ned Heindel at Lehigh University.

July, 2012

Kim Choquette's research is featured on the Lehigh University News page.  The story can be found at:

Congratulations Kim!

June, 2012

Bob received the Eleanor and Joseph F. Libsch Research Award at Lehigh University.  He is pictured above with President Alice Gast and Provost, Pat Farrell.

May, 2012

Kim Choquette was chosen to present a seminar at the Division of Organic Chemistry Graduate Research Symposium at the University of Colorado, Boulder.  The Symposium is scheduled for July 26-29, 2012.

For information on the symposium, check out the website at:

Congratulations Kim!

April, 2012

Sherri Young successfully defended her dissertation entitled: "Structure-activity Relationship of Multifunctional Sulfur Mustard Therapeutics:  Exploring the Non-traditional Role of Acetylcholinesterase"

Congratulations Dr. Young!

Our Collaborative work with Andreas Gansauer is featured on the Lehigh University News website:

March, 2012

We welcome Daniel von Laufenberg from the research group of Andreas Gansäuer at Bonn.  Daniel will be carrying out mechanistic studies on the titanocene-catalyzed arylation of epoxides.

Synthesis and Calorimetric,Spectroscopic, and Structural Characterization of Isocyanide Complexes of Trialkylaluminum and Tri-tert-butylgallium
Kingsley, N.B.; Kirschbaum; Teprovich, J.A., Jr.; Flowers, R.A., II; Mason, M.R. Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 2494-2502.

Congratulations Nick and Joe!

Effect of Crown Ethers onthe Ground and Excited State Reactivity of Samarium Diiodide in Acetonitrile
Maity, S.; Choquette, K.A.; Flowers, R. A., II; Prasad, E. J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116, 2154-2160.

Congratulations Sandeepan and Kim!

Catalytic atom-economical aromatic substitutionvia radicals 
Gansäuer, A.; Fleckhaus, A.; Behlendorf, M.; von Laufenberg, D.; Sadasivam, D.V.; Flowers, R.A., II Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012 (in press) Designated a Hot Paper by the journal editors

Congratulations Maike, Daniel, Andre, Christain, and Sada!

January, 2012

Recent work by Brian Casey is featured on the JACS Image Challenge.

Congratulations Brian!