November, 2012

--> “Study on the coupling of acyclic esters with alkene - the synthesis of 2-(2-hydroxyalkyl)cyclopropanols viacascade cyclization using allylsamarium bromide”
Tu, Y.; Zhou, L.; Yin, R.; Lv, X.; Flowers, R.A., II; Choquette, K.A.; Liu, H.; Wang, X. Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 11026-11028.

Congratulations to Kim for her recently published article on collaborative work carried out with Professor Xiaoxia Wang in the College of Chemistry and Life Science at Zhejiang University.

Haddad, G. L.; Young, S.C.; Heindel, N.D.; Bornhop D. J.; Flowers R. A., II  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 11126-11130.

Congratulations to Gaby and Sherri on their recently published article on collaborative work with Professor Darryl Bornhop at Vanderbilt University and Professor Ned Heindel at Lehigh University.